I wanted to share with you my revelation from my morning’s reading in the Old Testament. My habit is to read 1 chapter in the Old and one chapter in the New Testaments. Chapter 22 was my reading this morning, but I just had to read chapters 23 and 24 as well.
The story of Balaam and Balak and the Donkey is almost like watching a fantasy comedy on TV. There are talking donkeys, invisible angels, humans trying everything and anything to get their way and temper tantrums! Yet for all it’s easiness to read, there are vital spiritual lessons for us to learn... which is true of all Scripture!
Please read Numbers Chapters 22-24 before continuing below! ------------------------------------------------
Ah, you’re back!
I’ve read through these chapters close to 2 dozen times in my normal daily devotionals over the years. I wanted to share my "Aha!” moment from this morning. Balak wanted his way, and was going to stop at nothing to achieve his goals. Balaam said "no" to him not once or twice, but four time before Balak threw a temper tantrum.
Balak knew there was a spiritual world, and he understood that God was the Sovereign Lord. Balaam made that quite clear to him. However, and this is the bottom line; Balak had his own agenda and sought to bend God to his will, not bend to God’s will. Aren’t you glad the Lord God is sovereign?
How does this apply to us? What is my “Aha!” moment?
How often do we think that we know what’s the best action for us to take? We decide we want something, and then we ask God to bless it. Isn’t that trying to bend God to our will? Instead, it would be most spiritually wise that when we know that some type of action must be taken, to pray: “God, what is it you want me to do here?”. After which, we are to wait upon the Lord for His guidance, counsel and direction.
And please understand… “waiting” is in and of itself… action.
While prayer is the first thing we need, but usually the last thing of which we think, today I pray that you will remember to ask God for wisdom before acting (James 1:5), and then wait upon the Lord (Isaiah 30:18).
Three times Balak tried to get Balaam to see things from his perspective and impose his will upon him. Four times Balaam told Balak that God’s people would be victorious. As God’s people, we will be victorious when we wait upon the Lord and are obedient to Him who reigns on the Throne.
I also pray that this will be a blessing to you today!